Wed, 03/22/2017

Award-winning conservation films will be shown at a new bicycle-powered cinema on a beach in Cornwall, thanks to two University of Exeter students. Hannah Pollock and Jamie Unwin, two final year BSc Zoology students at the University’s Penryn Campus, designed and created the pedal-powered cinema (using Minirigs for the sound) as part of their project, Stand Up For Nature.
Earth Hour Bicycle Powered Cinema
6:30pm - Saturday 25th March at Gylly Beach, Falmouth
What: Here in the UK it’s the norm to shut yourself away in the evening and watch films/ television huddled up in your living room. Long gone are the old-style movie under the stars nights but we want to bring this back and where better than on a beach to deliver conservation messages about the ocean!
We take the bicycle powered cinema all over the world but this is the first time we’ve brought it to our doorstep and the first time we have ever taken our bicycle powered cinema to a beach. This will be a fun event that puts a positive spin on conservation.
We hope the event will invoke people to make a difference, raising awareness of conservation and protecting the ocean.
We want to unite the students and community together in a celebration of Earth Hour 2017.
When: 6:30pm to 10pm on 25th March 2017
For more information check out