Minirig 3 Soundsystem Engraved
Minirig 3 Soundsystem Engraved

Soundsystem Culture Minirig 3

Sound-system culture has had a massive input in what we do and how we do it here at Minirigs. Most of our team have played a major role in running large-scale sound systems, club nights and festivals over the years, some of the names we've operated under I Couldn't begin to mention there are so many of them, Ultimately this all became Minirigs!

Our involvement in events continues today and you can usually find us stroking our chins in front of a large rig at a festival or club somewhere!

Whats included: Minirig 3 Bluetooth speaker, audio cable, charger cable, case, and a whole lot of bass. All delivered in recycled & recyclable packaging!

To celebrate this appreciation we have come up with a limited run of custom Minirigs, which are exclusively engraved with intricate speakers boxes, each of those boxes is going out to each and every one of you who love and appreciate this movement.

Once again there are so many names to mention through our journey in music and speakers, fitting everyone in was impossible! You know who you all are!

Don't miss out and grab them while you can.

For more details please see the Minirig page.
